Current Officers:
President: Wendy Seichepine
Vice President:
Treasurer: Pat Connolley
Secretary: Keith Connolley
Chapter Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/LPAChesDelBaysChapter/
The Ches Del Bays Chapter (64)
Chapter formation started at the 2002 Fall Regional in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Following that meeting Keith Connolley contacted District Three members and proposed forming a new chapter in the area east of Chesapeake Bay, then east-northeast of the Susquehanna River, and including the Eastern Shore of Maryland, the Eastern shore of Virginia and all of Delaware. At the time of contact Keith notified members that a meeting, at the home Norman Rust, was scheduled for November 17, 2002, to discuss the proposal and move ahead to request a charter for a local chapter if there was interest and support from the members. The meeting was held and after discussion, and a vote of interest to proceed with chapter formation, the following officers were elected: Keith Connolley – President; Pat Mowry – Vice President; Terri Avery – Secretary; Ruth Rust – Treasurer.
At a subsequent meeting in January the Chapter name, Ches-del-bays, was selected. The boundary of the new chapter includes the Eastern Shore of Maryland, to the Pennsylvania line, and then on to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Six organization meetings were held from November 2002, thru May 2003. Thirty one charter members signed the application for charter which was presented to and approved by the LPA Board of Directors in June 29, 2003.
Ches Del Bays Chapter Presidents
2003 – Keith Connolley
2004 - Keith Connolley
2008 – Pat Connolley
2009 – 10
2011 – 12
2013 – 14 Norman Rust
2014 - 16 Wendy Seichepine
2016 - Lizzy MacDonald